Public Service Announcement On Legal Reform Highlights Jones Coffee

Posted by Julie Beals on

Chuck Jones recently filmed the public service announcement below for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Institute for Legal Reform. 

Chuck was contacted by the Chamber back in June, after a staffer saw him quoted in a Bloomberg article about California’s Proposition 65 and the toll trial attorneys are taking on small businesses through what many would call an abuse of the legal system. (Jones Coffee Roasters was among several defendants in a recent lawsuit against coffee roasters in California.) 

We’re grateful to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for calling out frivolous lawsuits, and giving a voice to small businesses.

Also, check out what Bloomberg News has to say about it: “Lawsuits aimed at enforcing Proposition 65 – California’s toxic warning law that was approved by voters in 1986 – have become a cottage industry for lawyers who target retailers and restaurants for failing to tell consumers about the dangers of everything from potato chips to vinyl products. These cases typically settle out of court with most of the money going to the lawyers.”


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